PhD Candidates

NameThesis TitleOrganization
ACHARYA, SushantEngagement of Women in Post-Production Value Chain of Commercial Crops: A Study of Cardamom in Eastern NepalUniversity of Kathmandu, Nepal
ADAMS, ChanellePolitical Ecology of Bien-Etre: From Malagasy roots to global harvestInstitute of Geography and Sustainability (IGD), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
AGGREY, VincentCommons for a Sustainable Future: a Focus on Motivations, Participation, and ImpactsUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
AGONVONON, Georges AlexThe ecology and conservation of forest patches in West Africa - Insights for sustainable forest managementInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
AGOSSOU, Phydias SenanIdentifying structural and functional connectivity underpinning effective forest and biodiversity conservation in the agricultural landscapes of the Dahomey-Gap, West Africa.University of Bern, Switzerland
AHMED, AymanInvestigating spatiotemporal changes in the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases and the distribution of disease vectors in sudan through a metagenomics enhanced One HealthSwiss TPH, University of Basel, Switzerland
ANDRIAMBOLOLONA, HerizoÉvaluation de la faisabilité et de l'impact d'un revenu de base pour la conservation, basé sur la perception des utilisateurs des terres dans les forêts humides du Nord-Est de MadagascarUniversity of Antananarivo, Madagascar
ARNOLD, RolfFood System Transition in SwitzerlandUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BACHRIOKTORA, YudiThe development of palm oil industry and its impacts on ecological, socio-economic and cultural life of the communities around the palm oil plantations in Jambi Province, IndonesiaInstitute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
BEHRENS, Mario RomanExploring causal mechanisms between humanitarian access negotiations and conflict dynamicsUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
BIRCHER, PascalUpgrading and optimizing of the erosion risk map (ERM2) of SwitzerlandUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BORASINO, Elena MariaPathways towards a transformative governance of multifunctional landscapes in the Peruvian AmazonUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BROENNIMANN, Caroline Eine Didaktische Rekonstruktion zu den Vorstellungen zu Nachhaltiger Entwicktung von Lernenden der Primarstufe (Zyktus 2) und ihren LehrpersonenInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
BROUILLET, ConstanceModeling pathways of transformation of flood-prone peri-urban landscapesInstitute of Spatial and Landscape Development, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
BRÜLISAUER, SamuelInstitutionalizing Environmental Justice in Sustainability StrategiesUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BUSER, TobiasExploring stakeholders' perspectives to improve transdisciplinary projects in urban developmentInstitute of Geography, University of Basel, Switzerland
CHO, Jung YeonContested Peace at National, Geopolitical and the World Order Political ConstellationsUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
CRACCO, MarinaEvaluating the impact of nature, nature’s contributions to people and good quality of life in Switzerland Parks of National ImportanceInstitute of Geography and Sustainability (IGD), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
DHUNGANA POUDEL, ParbatiProfessional Development of Basic Level teachers in Rural Setting of Nepal: A Participatory Action ResearchKathmandu University School of Education, Nepal
DÍAZ YDONES, Daysy KattiaOpportunities to improve the design of public policies related to the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Peru: a case study in Madre de Dios.University of Bern, Switzerland
DIEBOLD, ClaraSustainability transformations towards environmental and human well-being in north-eastern Madagascar: What are promising approaches?Wyss Academy for Nature, University of Bern, Switzerland
DIRKX, Antonius LucasFrom Rebelling to Ruling in Ethiopia and Eritrea: State-making Trajectories in Comparative PrespectiveSwisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
DÖLKER, Julie ElisabetValues of natureInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
EICHENBERGER, JoanaModelling the impact of Small Water Retention Measures on Water quality and quantity in the Broye CatchmentInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
FREY, SaraAnalysis of negotiation processes around “vivir bien/ buen vivir” linking state-based and grassroots development initiatives.CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
GAMEZ, Samantha MarieThe Scales of Good PeaceInstitute of Political Science, University of Basel, Switzerland
GAMMELGAARD, Johanna'Commoning' for agrifood system transformationsUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
GERBER, FelixFacilitating access to chronic disease care in low-resource settingsSwiss TPH, University of Basel, Switzerland
GOVINDA, K.C.Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, NepalAgriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
GROSS, ThomasTrade-offs and synergies between SDGs: Application of the ecosystem services concept to assess interdependencies of bioenergy, water and agricultureCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
GUELTEKIN, VolkanA Quest for Regional Peace: Mobilizing Turkish Civilian Capacity in the Post-Conflict Reconstrctionswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
GUILBERT, AliceThermal inequities in Geneva: Addressing Urban Heat Islands, vector of environmental inequalitiesUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
GUPTA, RanjoyLocal Food Knowledge and its contribution to health at household level in district Kathua of Jammu region; A study from Endogenous PerspectiveDepartment of Social Work, University of Jammu, India
GYAWALI, RaviAssessment of Adaptation Strategies to climate change and its impact on Agricultural ProductionUniversity of Chitwan, Nepal
HAN, Thi ThiPolitical ecology of mining: the linkage between resource governance and environmental injusticeInstitute of Geography and Sustainability (IGD), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
HANBURRY, HugoAn Analysis of the Conditions under which Work Time Reductions’ Contribution to a Sustainable Development can be maximisedInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
HÄUSLER, Mara-MagdalenaEnvironmental policies for ecological infrastructures in rural landscapesInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
HEPNER, SamuelThe ecology and conservation of forest patches in West Africa - Insights for sustainable forest managementInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
HILT, EvaCo-developing technical and social innovations for sustainable water resource management in Kenyan smallholder farming systems through diffusion of a Collaborative Learning approachUniversity of Hohenheim, Germany
IHEATURU, ChimaMultiscale modelling of spatio-temporal dynamics of forest patches in West AfricaInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
JAMARKATTEL, SampadPolitical Economy of Bio-Fuel: Implications in Fuel Security of Develoing EconomiesRural Sociology and Development Studies, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
KONDO, Akuélé RadhaSupervision practices in health research training: the case of university system in East and West AfricaUniversity of Jos, Nigeria
KÖNIG, TobiasInformal Resource Extraction, Violence and Property Rights. A Study about the Democratic Republic of CongoUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
LABY, PatrickTowards innovative governance of land under telecoupling : the role of social learning in northern MadagascarÉcole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar
LAMOTTE, LéaFinding transformational pathways to sustainable food systems – How cultural beliefs and symbolic values relate to consumers behaviours and (sustainable) food systems?Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
LATTHACHACK, PhokhamChanges in land use, ecosystem service supply and human wellbeing in Luangnamtha Province in North-Western Laos.CDE, University of Bern, Switerland
LEWIS, Anna LenaCompetence-oriented study program and course development of education for sustainable development at higher education level: A multi-case study combining perceptions of relevant actorsUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
LIMACHER, SandraIndigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development: a cross-cultural exploration of their role and contributionsSustainable Forest Management Research Group, University of British Colombia, Canada
LINDE, LotharRole of Spatial Decision Support Tools in Advancing Transparency and Accountability of Land Management in the Greater Mekong Subregion.CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
MARFURT, FranziskaThe Political Ecology of Work in Farming Systems in SenegalUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
MARTI, BeatGlobales und interkulturelles Lernen Im Zyklus 2 der Prlmarstufe. Schiilervorstel­lungen zu Raum, Kultur und kultureller Fremdheit - elne Dldaktlsche Rekon­struktlon.University of Bern, Switzerland
MATHEZ, AndreaThe Political Ecology of Agroecology – The Human-Environment Relations that (Re)Make Family Farming Identities and Practices in Morocco and SwitzerlandInstitute of Geography and Sustainability (IGD), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
MAUNG, Aye-ChanLocal impacts of global conservation policy on social-ecological systems in LaosUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
MAXIMIANO ALVES DE SOUSA, Filipe MiguelInforming rabies elimination from different angles: investigating innovative dog mass vaccination using network modelling and under-standing risk factors for human rabies exposureVetsuisse, University of Bern, Switzerland
MC CORD, KimberlyEvaluating the Use of Routinely Collected Data in Clinical Trial ResearchEpidemiology/Public health, University of Basel, Switzerland
MIGEON, MarieVisual and discursive representations of women in armed conflict: Shaping roles in peace processes and after settlementsInstitute of Political Science, University of Basel, Switzerland
MINTAH, FrankGovernance arrangements that work for sustainable forest use and management in agricultural landscapes of West AfricaInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
MOHR, FranziskaAgricultural Intensification in Europe since 1900University of Bern, Switzerland
MOMANYI, DenisEnhancing climate resilience among small-scale farmers in diverse rural agro-ecological zones: A people-centric holistic assessment framework for KenyaHumboldt University of Berlin, Germany
MUSAFILI, IldephonseGender Preferences, Soil and Water Conservation Investments and Income Poverty Effects among Smallholder Farm-ers in RwandaEgerton University, Kenya
MYAT, Su SuWaste recycling in urban Myanmar: unveiling social and environmental (im)balances in MandalayUniversity of Lausanne, Switzerland
NAJI, NoraGendered Security Strategies: How Women Matter in the Policy and Practice of Countering Violent ExtremismInstitute of Social Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland
NURZHAN, MarzhanSocio-political dynamics of track 1.5 and track 2 diplomacy: A pathway to peace and disarmament in dht Korean peninsulaUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
OBERHOLZER, SimonMonitoring sustainable soil management: Integrated assessment of soils using field spectroscopy, qualitative and conventional methodsInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
OLIMA, CeciliaMapping and Valuation of Mangrove Ecosystem Services using mixed methods, Case of Lamu, KenyaWyss Academy for Nature, University of Bern, Switzerland
OSWALD, PatrickForest Management in Myanmar - Instruments, actors, dynamics and consequences of attempts to manage Myanmars Forest Resources analyzed within the framework of political ecologyUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
PARRA PAITAN, Claudia CarolinaEnvironmental impact assessments in a telecoupled worldUniversity of Brussels, Belgium
PASCHEN, JohannaTransdisciplinary Research in Art and Climate Science: Investigating methodologies, procedures, practices, and underlying assumptions for knowledge co-creation between artists, climate scientists, society, and the more-than-human collaborationUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
PEDRAZZINI, SabinaThe role of individual characteristics and experiences on cooperation in commonsUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
PHAM, ThaoThe forestland use changes and impact on local people livelihoods in Nam Dong and A Luoi districts, Thua Thien Hue province, Viet NamIntitute of Forestry, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam
PHOMPHAKDY, ChanthavoneValuation of Ecosystem Services in Relation to Climate Change in Lao PDRUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
POELSMA, FelixChallenges and opportunities for energy transitions in mountainous and rural areasInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
PORCHET, NicolasSocial enterprises in the agro-food and textile sectors:
Towards a better understanding of social business tensions and viable strategies to enhance small-scale producers’ livelihoods and opportunities for self-determination
University of Bern, Switzerland
SABIR, GhezalConnection between religious beliefs and biodiversity-related farming practices of Swiss farmersUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
SAFAROV, HasanAssessing the impact of sustainable management systems for reducing soil erosion in the loess hills of Tajikistan using fallout radionuclides (FRN) & remote sensing techniquesLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
SALUNGA, DanielPolicies and practices on nutrition and food systems and perceptions on sustainable food environment in secondary cities in the Philippines, Bangladesh, Kenya and RwandaUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
SAMOEI, Paul KemboiChild Nutrition in Small Areas Domains in Kenya; Spatial Distribution and Geographic DeterminantsKenya
SANESATHID, OuthoumphoneRural Employment in the Context of Agricultural Transition: A Case of Coffee and Rubber Production in Bolaven Plateau Southern Lao P.D.R.University of Shaanxi, China
SANHOUN, Aimé RolandEcology and characteristics of Streptococcus infantarius subsp. infantarius (Sii) in the dairy environment in pastoral zones of Côte d’IvoireCentre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS), Abidjan, Ivory Coast
SAYE, RenionApplication and evaluation of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of pathogens giving rise to persistens digestive disorders in MaliSwiss TPH, University of Basel, Switzerland
SCHILDKNECHT, DarjaThe Privatisation of Peace: Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism, Gendered Security Strategies and their Effects on WomenInstitute of Social Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland
SIEGRIST, Elena GraceClimate change - landscapes: designing sustainable futures (KLANG)University of Bern, Switzerland
SITHOLE, Samantha SinikiweNatural governance and conservation initiatives: The hidden opportunity to address youth unemployment in Africa?University of Lausanne, Switzerland
SITHOLE, SimangeleLeveraging blue carbon ecosystems to develop sustainable financing solutions for marine protected areas management in the face of vulnerability: case study of Lamu Island, KenyaWyss Academy for Nature, University of Bern, Switzerland
STEINEGGER, SarahCommonFoodInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
TABI ECKEBIL, Paule PamelaReconciling livelihoods with biodiversity and ecosystem health of forest patches in West Africa – trade-offs and solution optionsInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
THANASACK, PhetsaphoneEcosystem service assessment in dynamic and contested landscapes in Lao PDRInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
TSCHIDERER, LucaCommoning work and care - Potentials for a repoliticisation of (care)work through a radical democratisation of the working processInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
VOÉLIN, Fannyldentifying governance arrangements and agents of change for the sustainable development of floodplains in the surroundings of Antananarivo, MadagascarInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
VOLKEN, SandraAgroecology as solution to increase climate vulnerability of horticulture and rural employment in the Niayes region in SenegalUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
WARTMANN, JuliaDemocratic Confederalism as an instrument for conflict transformation? An analysis of how gender informs peace building practices in the Democtratic Federation of Norhtern Syria.University of Basel, Switzerland
WINTSCH, RiccardaManagement of sanitation in urban environment in BangladeshInstitute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne, Switzerland


NameThesis TitleOrganization
ADAMS, TimothyImpact of Large Scale land Investment and Food SecurityCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
ADAMTEY, NoahEnrichment of recycled waste for maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation and its effects on the soil environmentUniversity of Ghana, Ghana
ADENLE, AdemolaLand Degradation and Ist Impacts on Ecosystem Services in the Nigerian Guinea Savanna (NGS): Insights For Sustainable Land ManagementCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
ADHIKARI, BirajUnderstanding the linkages between nature’s contribution to people and wellbeing in moun-tains: A case study in eastern NepalInstitute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
ADMASIE, Andreas SamuelDynamics of Political Unionism in Ethiopia 1974-1977G3S, University of Basel, Switzerland
ADNEW, MekonnenImpacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Omo-Ghibe Basin, Southwest EthiopiaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
ADU-GYAMFI, SylviaResilience to Teenage Pregnancy in Fanteakwa District in the Eastern Region of GhanaDepartment of Sociology, University of Ghana, Ghana
AEBERHARD, AndreaTransdisciplinary Co-Production of Knowledge in the Development of Organic Agriculture in SwitzerlandUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
AEBERLI, AnninaThe power of ontologies: the duty to care of the land and the ancestors among the KenyahInstitute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
AGRAWAL, Naveen KumarMigration, Employment and Poverty: A Case Study of Delhi SlumsUniversity of Delhi, India
AHMED EL TAYEB, MeyThe National and Indigenous Management of Environmental Conflicts in Savannah Belt of Sudan, Cases of the Blue Nile and Nuba MountainsUniversity of Khartoum, Sudan
ALCA CASTILLO, JamilLa Economía de las Prácticas: Análisis de las prácticas de extracción forestal y sus implicancias en la conservación de la Reserva Comunal Amarakaeri en PerúIHEID, University of Geneva, Switzerland
ALLURI, Rina MalagayoPolitics of Peace and Conflict: The Role of Local Business Actors in Sri Lankaswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
ALPIZAR RODRIGUEZ, FelipeEcological Democracy? Institutions, political participation and contentious politics over water in Costa Rica (1821-2010)University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
ALTER, Balz AndreaVisualizing the nexus of music and politics in today’s Côted’ Ivoire / Back from the Greener PasturesUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
ALVAREZ DEL CASTILLO, AlexComplex Property. Land Governance and Conservation in the Amazon. The Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, Madre de Dios, PeruIHEID, University of Geneva, Switzerland
ALVES ZANELLA, MatheusBrazil-Mozambique Development Cooperation in Food Security and Natural Resource GovernanceCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
AMIR, Rana MuhammadFood Security and Livelihood Futures in a Resource-Scarce Agro-Ecological Zone: A Case Study in the North-Western Highlands of PakistanDepartment of Agricultural Extension, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
AMOIN JEANNE D'ARC, Koffi épse KouakouDeterminants of resilience of communities of Korhogo (Cote d'Ivoire) and Kaedi (Mauritanie) to malaria and schisto-somiasis in sahelian belt in a context of climate changeCentre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d'Ivoire (CSRS), Bouaké, Ivory Coast
AMUZU, DavidClimate Smart Cocoa Production in Changing Rural Ecosystem and Livelihoods in GhanaInstitut de géographie et durabilité, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
ANDRÉ DE LA PORTE, CherrylIntegrated Water Resources Management: Limits and Potential in the municipality of El Grullo, MexicoÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
ANDRIAMIHAJA, RavakaAnalyse land use decision-making under telecoupling in north-eastern MadagascarCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
ANGULO BARREDO, Jorge IgnacioFamily strategies and community. Migration and socio-cultural processes in two rural communities of the Sierra Region, Chiapas.Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Mexico
ARSANO, YacobEthiopia and the Nile: The Dilemma of National and Regional Hydro-PoliticsUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
ARYAL, BadriInter-generational Changes in Livelihoods of People in Chepang Communities of NepalAgriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
ASKARALIEV, BakytWater distribution and water use system of the Sokuluk River Basin - Contribution to sustainable water management in the Chuy Valley (Kyrgyzstan)Kyrgyz Agrarian University, Kyrgyzstan
ASNAKE, Mekuriaw AmeraLandscape Transformation and Opportunities for Sustainable Land Management along the Eastern Escarpment of Wello (EEW), EthiopiaCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
AUGSTBURGER, HoracioAnalysis of potentials and constrains of enhancing sustainable livelihoods of Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia through the forthcoming Mercury ConventionCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
AYERI, Sarah OgallehCoping with and adapting to climate variability in smallholder agriculture of Laikipia region of Kenya: The role of local knowledgeInstitute of Organic Farming, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna , Austria
BÄCHTOLD, StefanManaged pacification: aid, peacebuilding, and the focus on results in Myanmar's transitionswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
BADER, ChristophEconomic Growth - Increasing Disparities? A Multidimensional Poverty Analysis of the Lao PDRCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
BAER, Roger Supply Potentials of Biomass Cooking Fuels in East Africa University of Bern, Switzerland
BAILLY, CynthiaSida, Pouvoir et Gouvernance locale dans l'ex-zone CNO (Centre Nord et Ouest) de Côte d'IvoireCentre Suisse de Recherches, Université de Bouaké, Switzerland
BANTIDER, AmareLandscape Transformation and Opportunities for Sustainable Land Management along the Eastern Escarpment of Wello (EEW), EthiopiaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BARBORA, SanjayLand, Class and Ethnicity: Permutations of Environmental Conflicts in Assam, Northeastern IndiaNorth Eastern Hill University, India
BARRUETO, AndreaTowards climate resilient development: The potential of cash crop trees towards sustainable livelihoods, women empowerment, agricultural resilience and economic development in NepalCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
BAUMGART, KatiBewertung landschaftsrelevanter Projekte im Schweizer Alpenraum - Die Methode der Discrete Choice-ExperimenteUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BÉCHIR, MahamatEtude épidémiologique de la malnutrition en milieu nomade au Tchad: Diagnostic et Approche d’interventionsUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
BEKELE, Demissie FerdissaEthnic Decentralization and Negotiating Statehood in Urban Ethiopia: A Case Study of Adama and Hawassa Citiesswisspeace, University of Basel / Addis Ababa, Switzerland
BERNATH, JulieThe Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: A case-study of Resistance to Transitional Justiceswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
BÉTRISEY, FlorencePayments for Watershed services and poverty reduction: Bolivian highlightsUniversity of Lausanne, Switzerland
BHANDARI, Bishal KumarModes of Communication and Good Governance: Ethnography in Post Conflict NepalDepartment of Development Studies, Kathmandu University, Nepal
BICHSEL, ChristineDangerous Divisions. Irrigation Disputes and Conflict Transformation in the Ferghana ValleyUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BIGLER, ChristineRural employment in export-led agricultural industries and the impacts on asset building and well-being in small-holders households: a comparative gender analysisIZFG and CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
BIKKETI, EdwardThe Role of Social Capital in Social Learning Processes for Soil and Water Management Innovations; The Case of Eastern and Western Regions of KenyaCDE, University of Bern, Switzlerland
BISHOKARMA, Nirmal KumarFood Security in Resource Scarce Area and the Quest for Inclusion of Marginal Groups in far-western region of Nepal”Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC), Kathmandu University, Nepal
BLÄTTLER, DominicState of mind. Forest ownership, the private sphere and governance in reform-socialist transition - A case study in the Northern mountain region of VietnamMerton College, Oxford, United Kingdom
BOILLAT, SébastienTraditional ecological knowledge, land use and ecosystem diversity in the Tunari National Park (Bolivia): An ethnological approach to dialogue between traditional and scientific ecological knowledgeUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BOSSART, RitaEn ville, chacun est dans son chacun". Une étude anthropologique sur l'importance des relations sociales en cas de maladie à Abidjan (Cote d'Ivoire)University of Basel, Switzerland
BOTTAZZI, PatrickAux frontières des «ordres» institutionnels territoriaux: Peuples autochtones, aires protégées et colonisation agricole en Amazonie bolivienneUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
BRANDAO, EmilySocioeconomic and productive dynamics of the Brazilian semi-arid agrarian space: analysis on States’ interventionsCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
BRANDT, RegineIncreasing the socio-ecological resilience of agro-ecosystems and livelihoods in mountain drylands from a biocultural perspective - a case study from the Bolivian AndesMartin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
BREU, ThomasSustainable Land Management in the Tajik Pamirs: The Role of Knowledge for Sustainable DevelopmentUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
BUKOBERO, SajadPolitique de conservation des forêts à Madagascar: du cadre institutionnel global aux pratiques localesIHEID, University of Geneva, Switzerland
BYRNE, SarahLiving with Violence: rural livelihoods in Mid-Western Nepal during and after the Maoist conflictUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
CALVO, CindySanitation planning from a social-ecological resilience perspective: A Costa Rican experienceUniversity of Kansas, USA
CHAMIZO, HoracioAnalisis de la gestion de las politicas de saneamiento ambiental en asentamientos humanos en Costa Rica, periodo 1998-2006: Los casos de la Europa, San Martin y San VicenteUniversity of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
CHENAL, JerômeUrbanisation, city design and the urban model in West Africa: The position and stakes of the public space (Urbanisation, planification urbaine et modèles de ville en Afrique de l'Ouest: jeux et enjeux de l'espace public)École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
CHRISTEN, AndriImpact and determinants of community-level SODIS-interventions: Experience from a community-randomised trial on solar water disinfectionUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
CONRADIN, KatharinaWorld Heritage Sites and Sustainable Regional DevelopmentCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
CONTZEN, SandraThe PRS Is Out but Poor People Are Still Here. The Honduran Poverty Reduction Strategy and Campesino Livelihoods in Western HondurasUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
CROSS, CeciliaStruggles, associative practices and processes of political commitment in Buenos Aires metropolitan area. Cases study on five 'territorially based organisations' related to FTVCentro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL PIETTE) y Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
DAKKA, Abebe ShiferawAssessing Soil-based Ecological Services and Opportunities to Sequester Soil Organic Carbon in Selected Watersheds of EthiopiaCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
DEAN, Anna"Epidemiology of brucellosis and Q Fever in Togo and the risk of disease spread through cattle trade in West Africa"University of Basel, Switzerland
DHUNGANA, Raj KumarEthnography of Violence in School as Experienced by Conflict Affected Adolescent in NepalDepartment of Development Studies, Kathmandu University, Nepal
DIAZ RAMIREZ, LilianaNGOs in Andean biodiversity governance: The Case of Decision 391University of Geneva, Switzerland
DILLA, Haroldo AlfonsoUrban Borderland Intermediation in the Dominican Republic: Three Case StudiesÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
DONGO, KouassiAnalyse des deficiences dans la gestion du drainage urbain et des déchets solides et liquides dans les quartiers précaires de Yopougon (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire): Approche cartographie-SIG, modélisation et socio-anthropologieUniversité de Cocody, Côte d'Ivoire
DONGUS, StefanUrban agriculture and operational mosquito larvae control: mitigating malaria risk in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaUniversity of Basel and University of Freiburg i. Br., Switzerland and Germany
DOUANGPHACHANH, MaliphoneGender division of labour and decision-making power within the household in southern LaosUniversity of Malaya, Malaysia
DOUMBIA, MohamedDynamiques sociales et stratégies de gestion de la fécondité en milieu urbain défavoriséUniversité de Cocody, Côte d'Ivoire
EHRENSPERGER, AlbrechtPotentials, Limitations and Risks of Geo-Information Technology for Sustainable Development Approaches in KenyaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
EPPRECHT, MichaelThe Geography of Welfare. Spatial Dimensions of Poverty and Inequality in VietnamUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
ERSHOVA, NatashaImpact of Land Use and Climate on River Flow in the Upper Sokuluk River Basin: A Contribution to Sustainable Land Use in the Chui Valley (Kyrgyzstan)Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kazakhstan
EYHORN, FrankAssessing the Potential for Organic Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods in Developing Countries: The Case of Cotton in IndiaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
FAYE, PapaManaging the forest by the people: Constitutionality, citizenship and representation in two decentralization initiatives in Senegal’s forestry sectorInstitution of Social Anthropology, University of Bern
FEURER, MélanieMapping ecosystem services trade-offs in a forest frontier landscape in MyanmarUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
FOKOU, GilbertGestion communautaire des ressources naturelles et relations de pouvoir: Etude anthropologique des changements institutionnels dans les plaines du Logone et du lac TchadUniversity of Yaoundé, Cameroon
FORSTER, DionysAgricultural land use and associated nutrient flows in peri-urban production systemsUniversity of Rostock, Germany
FÜRST, ThomasAssessing morbidity due to neglected tropical diseases on different geographical and resource levelsUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
GALLATI, JustusTowards an Improved Understanding of Collective Irrigation Management: A System Dynamics ApproachUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
GALVIN, MarcLa connaissance métisse: Une analyse de la politique de protection des connaissances traditionelles au PérouUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
GAMBON, HelenConstitutionality-processes and social-ecological outcomes in the indigenous territory and biosphere reserve Pilón Lajas, BoliviaCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
GARGULE, Andrew AchibaRenewing Disruption: The state, pastoralism discourses and development practices at the margins of Kenya 1965-2015CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
GARRARD, RodneyClimate Change and Tourism in Mountain Protected Areas (MtPAs): Impacts and Implications in a Developing Country Context (Sagarmatha, Mount Everest National Park, Khumbu, Nepal)CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
GEMPERLE, SergioAnti-Corruption Agencies and Statebuilding: Effects of anti-corruption institutions on post-conflict statebuildingG3S, University of Basel, Switzerland
GHIMIRE BHATTARAI, AnitaSocial and Territorial Impacts of Armed Conflict Induced Displacement and the Livelihoods of Internally Displaced Persons in NepalKathmandu University, Nepal
GIOVANOLI, JenniferGenetic Diversity and Transmission Dynamics of Schistosoma and Fasciola in Côte d'IvoireSwiss TPH, University of Basel, Switzerland
GITONGA, Jeremiah Lewis NjeruMonitoring and Modeling Crop Growth, Water Use and Production Under Dry-Land Environment North-West of Mount KenyaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
GRAF, AndreasAnalysing the implementatiton of soft law at the national level: The case of the UN-Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rightsswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
GRAF, SamuelBelonging in a Translocal Field: A Case Study on Second-Generation Eritreans Living in SwitzerlandUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
GRANADO, Stefanie‘C’est le palu qui me fatigue’. Une étude en l’anthropologie de la santé sur les conceptions et les pratiques locales face au paludisme à Abidjan, Côte d’IvoireUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
GRÜNENFELDER, JuliaGender, Work and Development in Northwest Pakistan - Working Environments of Pakistani Female Development PractitionersUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
GUERRERO DE LEON, Aida AlejandraGobernanza del Agua en las Cuencas del Río Santiago y el Río Ayuquila, Jalisco, MéxicoUniversity of Guadalajara, Mexico
GUMI DONDE, BalakoMycobacteria and zoonoses among pastoralists and their livestock in South-East EthiopiaUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
GURUNG, Ghana S.Reconciling Biodiversity Conservation Priorities with Livelihood Needs in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, NepalUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
HAGMANN, TobiasPastoral Conflict and Resource management in Ethiopia's Somali RegionUniversity of Lausanne, Switzerland
HASSEN, MohammedThe Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Sedimentation and Water Balance in Lake Hayk and Lake Hardibo, Ethiopia
HATCHER, CraigTemporalities of legal space – domesticating urban transformations in post-socialist Bishkek, KyrgyzstanDepartment of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
HEINIMANN, AndreasPatterns of Land Cover Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: The relevance of mesoscale approachesUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
HELLMÜLLER, SaraBridging the Gap – Examing Local Dimensions of International Peacebuilding in the DR Congoswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
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HILLENKAMP-BUSCAIL, IsabelleFormes d’intégration de l’économie dans les démocraties de marché : une théorie substantive à partir de l’étude du mouvement d’économie solidaire dans la ville d’El Alto (Bolivie)IHEID, University of Geneva, Switzerland
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HOFFMANN, SabineUrban Water and Wastewater Management in Cochabamba (Bolivia): An Ecological and Institutional AnalysisUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
HOLLENBACH, PiaThe Paradox of Good Intentions. The Biography of Private Giving in Post-Tsunami Sri LankaUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
HOSTETTLER, SilviaLand use changes and transnational migration: the impact of remittances in western MexicoÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
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IBRAIMOVA, AselLegal and Institutional Framework for Empowerment of Rural Populations in the Kyrgyz Republic: Contribution to Sustainable DevelopmentUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
IFEJIKA SPERANZA, ChinweDrought Vulnerability and Risk in Agro-Pastoral Areas: An Integrative Approach and its Application in KenyaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
ILLIEN, PatrickPolitical Economy of Agrarian ChangeCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
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JACOBI, JohannaThe Contribution of Organic Cocoa Production to Social-Ecological Resilience in a Changing Climate - A Comparison of Organic and Non-Organic Cocoa Cultivation Systems in Alto Beni, BoliviaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
JANKER, JudithCritical Reflections on Social Sustainability in AgricultureCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
JAQUET, StéphanieImpacts of outmigration on land management in the mountain areas of Bolivia and NepalCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
JEAN-RICHARD, VreniCrowding at Lake Chad: An Integrated Approach to Demographic and Health Surveillance of Mobile Pastoralists and Their AnimalsUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
JENDOUBI, DoniaTowards Sustainable Land Management in degraded ecosystems: Assessments of land degradation and land management in Northwest TunisiaCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
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KAESER, FabianTowards Food Sustainability. Ethnography of a Local Food System in the Mt. Kenya Region, KenyaInstitute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
KAMARA TUMWEBAZE, InnocentUnderstanding and explaining the collective cleaning behaviour of shared toilet users in urban slums. The case of Kampala.Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Uganda
KARKI, DarshanThe politics of recognition and redistribution in Nepal: A Case Study of the MadhesDevelopment Study Group, University of Zurich, Switzerland
KASSAWMAR NIGUSSIE, TibebuLandscape Transformation in Ethiopia: Spatio-temporal dynamics and implications on transboundary runoff and sediment yield in the Blue Nile Basin, EthiopiaCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
KASYMBEKOV, JoldoshbekEpidemiology, cost and surveillance of brucellosis in people and livestock of KyrgyzstanUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
KEITA, MoussaProperty changes and social mutations in the Senegal river delta: The case of the cross-border area of Thiagar (Rosso, Senegal) and of M’Pourié (Rosso, Mauritania)University of Saint Louis, Senegal
KELEGAMA, ThiruniAnxious Integration-Development in Sri Lanka’s post-war frontierDepartment of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
KENFACK, SiméonHelio-photocatalytic enhancement of the biodegradation of biorecalcitrant pollutants in water: Physico-chemical and technical aspectsÉcole d’Ingénieurs de l’Equipement Rural (EIER), Burkina Faso
KENGNE NOUMSI, Ives MagloirePotentials of sludge drying beds vegetated with Cyperus papyrus L. and Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase for faecal sludge treatment in tropical regions"University of Yaoundé, Cameroon
KIENTGA, MathieuContribution du SIG à l'analyse des liens déchets-santé en milieu urbain dans les pays en développement. Cas de deux secteurs de la ville de Ouagadougou, Burkina FasoÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
KITEME, Boniface PeterMulti-dimensional Approaches to More Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Highly Dynamic Contexts in East AfricaUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
KITILA, GetahunAssessment of Land use/land cover change, irrigation water quality and their effects on soil quality at Fincha’a Sugar Estate, Blue Nile Basin of EthiopiaUniversity of Toronto
KLEM, BartIn the Wake of War: Eastern Sri Lanka’s Political Geography in TransitionUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
KOANDA, HalidouTowards a sustainable urban sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa: Innovative planning approach for faecal sludge managementÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
KOFFI, Parfait KouaméSustainable Planning of Sanitation Management by coupled Modeling "Environment-Health" in the city of Yamoussoukro in Côte d’IvoireUniversité de Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
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KONE, BramaPollution lagunaire, risques sanitaires et environnementaux dans trois villages périurbains de la commune de Yopougon (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)University of Abobo, Côte d' Ivoire
KONÉ, GnangadjomonSociogenèse et dynamique du mouvement "jeune patriote" en Côte d'IvoireUniversity of Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire
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KOUAKOU, Yao EtienneWater management in a climate change context, case study of the river basin of Korhogo, Côte d'IvoireTata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
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LEDERMANN, ThomasMultiple Implications of Soil Erosion and Conservation on Arable Farm Land in the Swiss MidlandsUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
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LOCHER, MartinaLocal land rights and power relations in the ‘global land rush’: two European forestry companies in TanzaniaUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
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LUNDSGAARD-HANSEN, Lara MariaLand use decision-making, actor networks, and potentials of social learning for land governance transformation in Tanintharyi, MyanmarCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
LUQMAN, MuhammadRural development vision and practices of culturally rooted social movement organizations in north-west Pakistan: implications for Agri. Extension.Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
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MABELE, Mathew BukhiProviding an alternative set of explanations to “ecoscarcity” narratives: A political ecology of REDD+ and deforestation in the Miombo woodlands of western TanzaniaInstitute of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
MARTINEZ, RogerIndigenous Agriculture in Talamanca, Costa Rica - Análisis del uso y manejo del agroecosistema, con énfasis en la actividad agrícola familiar de los pueblos indígenas de Talamanca, Costa Rica: un enfoque agroecológicoUniversity of Cordoba, Spain
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MATTHYS, BarbaraThe effect of irrigated urban agriculture on malaria, schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in different settings of Côte d’IvoireUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
MATTHYS, Marie-LuiseGendered effects of the commercialization of agriculture in Nepal and RwandaInstitute of Sociology, University of Bern, Switzerland
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MENGISTU, Daniel AyalewVulnerability of Water and Soil Resources to Climate Variability and Change in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, EthiopiaAddis Ababa University, Ethiopia
MEROKA, PatrickCommon Property Institutions and Relations of Power: Resource-Management, Change and Conflicts in the Rufiji River Floodplain in TanzaniaUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
MERRON, JamesTravelling technologies of the environment: Contested knowledges of water management and the transformation of land(scape) in South AfricaUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
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MUTEA, EmilyAnalysis of different forms of access to land and water and food systems in view of food security and poverty reduction. A case study of Mount Kenya regionCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
MUTTENZER, FrankDéforestation et droit coutumier à Madagascar - L’historicité d’une politique foncièreUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
MWANGI, VeronicaThe Impacts of value chain activities on food security, reduction of povery and Inequality: A case study of wheat, milk and beef food systems in North West Mt.KenyaDepartment of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya
N'GUESSAN GUY CONSTANT, GbalégbaClimate variability and dynamics of malaria and schistosomiasis transmission in Korhogo (norther Côte d'Ivoire) and Kaedi (southern Mauritania)University of Abidjan
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NEPALI, Purna BahadurLandlessness, Livelihood Insecurity and Social Conflict in Far Western Region of Nepal with a special focus on DalitsKathmandu University, Nepal
NEVILLE, LauraSolid waste management: a case study of Cartagena de Indias, an intermediate city in ColombiaInstitut de géographie et durabilité, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
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ONG' ANYI, PaulSpatio-temporal variations in orphanhood: analysis of the effects of AIDS and traditional versus modern institutional coping mechanisms in Kisumu district, KenyaUniversity of Nairobi, Kenya
OPPLIGER, AstridThe nexus between science, policy and governance in the case of water scarcity in forest plantations in ChileUniversity of Lausanne, Switzerland
OSSÉS, MargaritaAdapted Approaches for Environmental Assessment of Urban Activities in Latin American CitiesUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
OULD TALEB, MoustaphaSanté, vulnérabilité et tuberculose en milieu nomade Sahélien: Contribution à l’étude des représentations sociales de la tuberculose chez des populations nomades de la Mauritanie et du TchadUniversité de Cocody, Côte d'Ivoire
PALMIANO FEDERER, JuliaNorm-makers, norm-takers, and norm-breakers? The role of the mediators in international norm diffusionswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
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RAJBANSHI, AshokSustainable Livelihood Pattern of Marginal Communities in a Peri-urban Area: A Case Study of Bajrayogini Village, Kathmandu DistrictTribhuvan University, Nepal
RAMIREZ, AlejandraWarmis valientes: Agencia ciudadana de mujeres y calidad de vida sustentable en la ciudad de Cochabamba (Bolivia); (Women's citizenship agency and the construction of sustainable quality of life in Cochabamba's urban areas)University of San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia
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SALEEM, MuhammadFirst characterization of the Achai cattle breed under sedentary and transhumant farming systems in the Hindukush Mountains of Northern Pakistan
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SANTSCHI, MartinaNegotiating Statehood in South Sudanswisspeace, University of Basel, Switzerland
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SCHELLING, EstherHuman and animal health in nomadic pastoralist communities of Chad: zoonoses, morbidity and health servicesUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
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SCHNEIDER, LysannWhy Reforestation Fails: Institutional Change, Climate Change and Migration in Coastal Yucatán, MexicoInstitut of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
SCHÖNWEGER, OliverKey-factors and process shaping the implementation of Large Scale Land AcquisitionCDE, University of Bern, Switzerland
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